Bristol Link with Beira

Sustainable Development Goals in Beira

The Sustainable Development Goals. SDGs are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. The 17 Goals were adopted by all UN Member States in 2015, as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.  BLB is targetting SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities and SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals as its main areas of work.  

BLB ran a Beira 17 campaign, parallel to the Bristol 17 campaign by Bristol’s Global Goals Centre, in the 17-week countdown to COP 26. Our Beira 17 campaign highlights actions being taken in Beira to address the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, to inspire us about what is happening to bring a fairer, greener future. Initially we compared the issues in Beira to those in Bristol and each subsequent week we featured one goal. We aim to engage a wider audience with climate and inequality issues and their relevance to our cities and our lives, with motivation to make a difference.

SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals

SDG17 is about working together at global level to achieve the SDGs and make the Agenda a reality.

Bristol Link with Beira uses the mechanisms of Partnerships: People-to-People and Organisation-to-Organisation, supporting Bristol City Council’s International Strategy Goal to be a Global City.

BLB’s longstanding partners include the Beira Municipal Council (CMB) who have taken part in civic exchanges and capacity building workshops; an NGO based in Beira, Agência de Desenvolvimento Económico Local de Sofala (ADEL Sofala in the photo) who have facilitated BLB’s people and projects to contribute to social and sustainable economic development in the community; a women’s organisation Amai Mussanhane who offer support to local children and vulnerable families; and schools in Beira, who have taken part in a number of activities, whilst BLB focussed on Escola Primaria de Matacuane for repairs after Cyclone Idai.

In Bristol, BLB is supported by Bristol City Council, in particular the Mayor’s office and the International Team, who contribute resources across a range of projects in Bristol, and fund the International Development post that supports the Bristol International Twinning Association connecting the 7 associations and influencing Bristol City Council’s International Strategy; and the Bristol Commonwealth Society who support Mozambican students in Bristol, and promote BLB generally.

In addition, BLB benefits from the work of UK based NGOs such as South West International Development Network (SWIDN) and Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA), as well as Bristol City initiatives such as Bristol Green Capital and the Festival for Future Cities.

On a project-to-project basis, we also partner with organisations to fund, research and deliver projects in Bristol and Beira. BLB aims to facilitate partnerships between organisations in Bristol and Beira, and to link those who have assets with those who have needs. Please let us know if:

  • your organisation in Bristol would benefit from a partnership with an organisation in Beira,
  • your organisation in Beira would benefit from a partnership with an organisation in Bristol,
  • you have any research projects which could include a link between Bristol and Beira.

SDG 16 Peace and Justice

SDG16 is about keeping people safe and making sure that government works effectively and fairly.

“As in the whole world, in Beira we feel” as testified by GMPIS in the action of girls in Beira, in the struggle against gender-based violence, during the international “16 Days of Activism” for the elimination of violence against women and girls.

Their chants included “the fault was not mine, nor the clothes that I wore, nor the place where I was” refuting the mainstream view in which the girl was sexually violated because she provoked it, wore short skirts, or left home at night. Their actions blame the patriarchal and capitalist system, which weakens institutions; male chauvinist behaviour; and the lack of opportunity for the participation of women in taking decisions at all levels.

Annually, the 16 Days of Activism commences on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, until 10 December, Human Rights Day, and is coordinated by the Centre for Women’s Global Leadership (CWGL) as an organizing strategy by individuals, institutions and organizations around the world to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls. For more information on 16 days see the UN website page

SDG 15 Life on Land

SDG15 is about sustainably managing forests, combatting desertification, halting and reversing land degradation, and halting biodiversity loss. 

Preserving our environment is no easy task. Mozambique is a country with a high level of illiteracy and where more than 70% of the population use natural resources to satisfy their basic needs. Our partnership organisation ADEL Sofala takes on the challenge of meeting SDG 15: Life on land by encouraging communities in Beira to become more environmentally conscious. They run student led initiatives called ‘Environmental Clubs’ that share knowledge and provide a deeper understanding of issues facing the environment, tailoring their approach to fit all cultural and economic aspects within communities. They aim to build an awareness that snowballs throughout schools and communities sharing the responsibility of socio-environmental issues. These projects are vital achieving better and more sustainable future for communities in Beira. To learn more about ADEL Sofala’s efforts tackling environmental issues in Beira watch their YouTube clip: and to read more about other projects check out their website:

SDG 14 Life Below Water

SDG 14 is about protecting our coasts and oceans by conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. 

Conservationists are praising a new fisheries law enacted by Mozambique’s government for granting protection to an array of marine species, including whale sharks, manta rays and dolphins, and for empowering fishing communities. These landmark laws will fall in line with both the government and international NGO ambitions of achieving SDG 14: Life under water. Laws like these, that protect local fishing communities as well as the governments investments in a new fishing port are vital for protecting economic activities and livelihoods in Beira. Sitting on the coastline of the Indian Ocean, Beira is blessed with an abundance of marine wildlife. Unfortunately, with such a large coastline to protect, governance hasn’t always been up to standard. Chinese trawler fleets have been allowed into coastal waters causing profound and lasting damage to marine ecosystems, as well as forcing generational fisherman into other professions. The new nationwide laws set a move towards more sustainable and effective fishing practises, putting emphasis back on community-based methods. To see more about these important new pieces of  legislation give this interesting article a read; 

SDG 13 Climate Action

SDG 13 is about dealing with the effects of global warming by taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 

As one of the world’s most at-risk cities for climate disasters, Beira, Mozambique – located where the Pungwe River meets the Indian Ocean – is now in the middle of a large-scale project to rebuild and protect itself against future floods. Between November and April each year, the city is at risk of cyclones and mass flooding. In 2019, Cyclone Idai destroyed 90% of the city; while 2021’s Cyclone Eloise – though only considered a “mild” cyclone – damaged or destroyed over 4,000 homes and directly affected 160,000 people.

Financed by the government of Mozambique, the World Bank and KfW Development Bank, and supported by German Development Agency (GIZ), the nature-based urban flood management project “Green Urban Infrastructure in Beira” seeks to create a sustainable flood control strategy for the city by 2023. As part of the initiative, mangroves are strategically planted in rivers across the local area to act as natural buffers between the water and the land and prevent erosion. Alongside this, green spaces – including a 45-hectare (111-acre) park in the city centre around the Chiveve River – are created along the water’s edge to soak up floodwater during extreme weather.

The hope is that by focusing on green solutions the city can improve its flood defences in a sustainable way. The project is also expected to create both direct and indirect income and employment opportunities for the people of Beira. For more information see:


SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12 is about ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns, by reducing our impact on the planet by only producing and consuming what we need. 

The efficient management of our shared natural resources, and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, are vital for achieving SDG 12. Our partner organisation. ADEL Sofala, based in Beira, is working to tackle this head on, by teaming up with a local entrepreneur to maintain natural resources. They have devised a project that aims to improve the efficiency of production and consumption of energy from biomass. Working alongside youth groups in Beira, they have developed a forestry project and tree nursery. This creates a sustainable source of wood and other resources for local people as well as creating long term employment opportunities within the community. To learn more about our partners in Beira and their projects have a look at their websites:

SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 11 is about making cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable, putting cities at the heart of sustainable development in an urbanizing world. 

50% of the urban population in Mozambique live below the national poverty line, only 25% of these people have access to clean, piped water. As the number of people living in major towns and cities grows, so does the need for better water and sanitation services. WSUP has worked in Beira since 2007, supporting local and community-based organisations engage more effectively with local government and service providers. A key part of WSUP’s work in Beira has been supporting the local water utilities to extend their current water network and provide an improved water supply for their low-income customers. Alongside this, work has been to extend the network to the most underserved areas of the city, particularly in areas home to additional residents resettled after the cyclone. WSUP focuses on creating a more sustainable and resilient future for cities urban areas. They look to ensure that, as climate change makes extreme weather like cyclones more common, vulnerable residents in Beira have long term, sustainable access to clean water and safe sanitation. To learn more about WSUP and their projects have a look at their website:

SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities

SDG 10 is about reducing the gap between the richest and the poorest.

Inequality in income is closely linked to inequality in education, and life expectancy. Inequality starts at birth, and in Beira, life expectancy is reduced by high exposure to HIV/AIDS, neonatal disorders, tuberculosis and malaria.

The Macuti Health Committee is a group of dedicated women tasked with community engagement for health promotion and emergency response, following an action plan with a local doctor. “We knock on your door to check how are you doing, to confirm if you are observing the recommendations on hygiene and water treatment, we check if you are protected against malaria using your bed net, if your kid is getting the vaccines he needs, and if nobody else is taking care of you, we will carry you to the hospital and follow up on your treatment”. As a social activity, the Health Committee also do cooking demonstrations whilst explaining nutrition and hygiene. This group of women are also changing the behaviour of men, to become more involved with childbirth and family planning.

According to a UN Human Development Report, “Mozambique is among countries with one of the highest levels of inequality in sub-Saharan Africa and the disparity between those in the best financial situation and the most disadvantaged households is growing”.

Be inspired by reading the entire article 

SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures

SDG 9 is about Industry, Innovation and Infrastructures

A holistic approach to flood risk in Beira, combining engineering and nature, exemplifies this, providing a green park in the city, whilst reducing the impact of previously annual flooding. The Chiveve Park creates environmental benefits by lowering temperatures, supporting biodiversity, and promoting cleaner air, while also retaining water and providing a public space for social and cultural activities. It has created employment opportunities, and established an area conducive for business in the city centre. This is part of the city’s strategy of resilience, acknowledging that due to climate change, Beira is now in a ‘cyclone corridor’. The networks and capacity built by the adaptation process have supported the development of a comprehensive disaster response plan following Cyclone Idai, and lessons are being shared with other cities with similar risk profiles in the region. For more information see Nature-Based Solutions  

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

SDG 8 is about creating decent jobs and economic opportunities for everyone.
About 350,000 young Mozambicans enter the labour market each year but do not have the right skills for the job opportunities available. Providing high-quality professional training as well as internship opportunities to less advantaged individuals, are key in paving the way towards partly addressing this goal. JOBA was a UK aid funded skills for employment programme.  JOBA combined training with services aimed at facilitating the transition of future young workers from their traineeships to employment. Young Africa  is now investing in youth through integrated skills training for employability and entrepreneurship.

SDG 7 Affordable and Clean Energy

SDG 7 is about making sure everyone has access to green energy. 

Beira, one of the cities most threatened worldwide by the impacts of climate change, has launched a number of projects focused on reducing the city’s reliance on fossil fuels. One success story is the rise of biogas within local communities, helped by the foundation of the Multifunctional Community
Centre for Renewables Energy Project by UN-Habitat and the Municipal Council of Beira. The hub in Munhava is managed by community members and is host to the city’s efforts to transform organic matter from markets and slaughterhouses into usable energy.

The success of this project means hundreds of residents, as well as large community kitchens, now have access to sustainable fuel for cooking. Women within the Munhava community are also trained in the production of organic charcoal which they can sell at markets – providing them a source of
income and also spreading the resource to the wider city population. 
The centre hopes to expand into new communities as the process is refined. 

w/c 16 August 2021 

SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation 

SDG 6 is about is about making sure everyone has access to clean drinking water and toilet facilities.

Without clean water and effective sanitation, disease spreads fast.  When Cylcone Idai hit Beira in 2019, sanitation services were damaged and residents left without clean water.  The cyclone also exposed the general weaknesses in Beira’s water network as many residents already struggled to access effective sewerage systems or clean piped water. NGOs have worked with community-based organisations and local government to promote good hygiene and waste management practices and worked to improve the water supply.

The Munhava water tower was rebuilt and improved with WSUP working in conjunction with the water utility company FIPAG in Beira to extend the
reach of clean water to more residents of the city. This is one example of where more robust water supply systems have been put in place to extend the water network and ensure that Beira’s future sanitation and water supply is more resilient to the impact of climate change.

Have a look at Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor and FIPAG websites

w/c 9 August 2021 

SDG 5 Gender Equality

SDG 5 is about ending violence and discrimination against women and girls and making sure they have equal opportunities in all areas of life..

A new film called “Premature Marriages”, produced by local man Amandio Cambaco and released in Beira in June 2021, is raising awareness of the issue of child marriages. The film shows how the widespread destruction of housing and the poverty and fragile communities which were made worse as a result of recent cyclones, have resulted in girls and young women in particular, becoming more vulnerable, and the practice of marrying off girls and young women is increasing.  In spite of a new law being passed in 2019 criminalising child marriage, nearly half of all girls are married before they turn 18, and many become pregnant when they themselves are still children. Despite limited funds the film-makers pressed ahead and are hoping, with the release of their film, to raise funds to support local groups working on the issues.

w/c 2 August 2021 



SDG 4 Quality Education

SDG 4 is about enabling everyone to study, learn, and fulfil their full potential. An early start to education is critical for the children of Beira to achieve this.

The British and Foreign School Society and Oasis International, successfully established an early years setting to improve outcomes for pre-school children in Beira.  The project began in 2017 and 125 children aged between 3 and 5 now have access to pre-school education.  The project refurbished and equipped a school building, trained 14 people in early years education, and also provided parents with food assistance and nutritional advice, and the school was able to grow some of the food needed to feed the children.

Ensuring ongoing access to quality education for children is a challenge for many families in Beira, whose children have also suffered the effects of cyclones. Pre-school children learn how to build, create, problem solve, cooperate, communicate, build self-esteem and be a part of a community. As well as providing quality pre-school education for these children, the wider community was supported by the training of local teachers and the support given to parents through growing of crops which assisted in feeding of children. 

w/c 26 July 2021

SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing

SDG 3 is about helping people to live long and healthy lives. Involving disabled people in economic activity in Beira contributes to this.

Norwegian organisations Together for Inclusion and Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted are working with ACAMO in Beira, a local organisation for blind people, to deliver a programme of human rights advocacy, inclusive education and economic empowerment. Poverty is a significant problem for Mozambique, and the public health system is very limited. These issues are challenging for the population as a whole but can be particularly difficult for disabled people. This project has resulted in hundreds of disabled people receiving training and setting up businesses, for example sustainable energy products including solar lanterns and mobile phone recharging systems. Having a steady income makes a huge positive difference to people’s health and wellbeing. Have a look at ACAMO’s facebook 

w/c 19 July

SDG 2 Zero Hunger

SDG 2 is about making sure that everyone can enjoy a safe, nutritious diet, all year round. Turning Beira’s urban waste into compost to promote organic farming, contributes to this, by improving food security, nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. The Municipality of Beira provide urban waste material from the city to the Terra Nova Waste to Farming project. The waste is sorted and the organic matter used to produce a natural fertiliser. This compost is then used to improve crop yields for local smallholder farmers and city household gardeners. This ‘waste to wealth’ approach creates employment opportunities for Beira’s urban poor and improves the productivity of local farmers, boosting food security both through the availability of produce but also by increasing purchasing power. Simultaneously, it reduces the need for chemical inputs in farming, contributing to both soil health and improved nutrition. Find out more about the ‘Terra Nova Waste to Farming project’ 

w/c 12 July

SDG 1 No Poverty

SDG 1 is about raising the incomes of the poorest, but it is also about ensuring access to basic services, and protecting everyone from human-caused and natural disasters.  Recycling keeps families afloat after the cyclone in Beira, contributing to SDG1: No Poverty. Families in Beira who lost everything in the cyclone, are generating income by selling recycled plastic to the Mozambican Recycling Association (AMOR.) They are supported by community organisations, who work directly with women to tackle poverty. Over 50% of the population lives on less than £1.40 per day and poverty reduction programmes are increasingly challenged by extreme weather events, frequent damage to property, food supplies and agricultural produce. This situation has increased reliance on overseas aid. Projects like this are win-win, supporting family income and helping the environment. AMOR processes the plastic for sale to local companies who transform it into household and industrial products. It’s simple and inspiring. Watch the video of this project in Beira  

w/c 5 July 2021

SDG Baseline – comparing Bristol and Beira